Enhancing Your New York
City Experience

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Meet the Podcast Host

Hi, I'm Katie!

Have you ever had a dream deep in your heart that you never had the courage to act on because it just didn’t “make sense”? That was living in New York City for me. 

At 32 years old, and after years of visiting NYC any chance I had, I decided that it was time to stop dreaming and do something that made no sense on paper.  Luckily my husband and 2 kids (ages 2 & 5 at the time) were on board because I quit my job, we sold our house and almost everything we owned, left our families and the only state we had ever lived in and moved to New York City. We have now lived in the city for almost 8 years and could not be more happy. We aren’t the same people we were when we first moved here - and that was the entire point. 

I love sharing our story and our adoration for New York City through our podcast, Instagram and TikTok. So whether you’re planning a vacation, thinking about moving here or you’re just curious how a family can actually live in the city, I’m happy you’re here! 


Enhancing Your New York City Experience

Download a FREE guide today: Top 10 Mistakes People Make When Visiting NY